Monday, February 16, 2009

Boy from School

I've never been this stress before and what made me feel worst was when I was walking on my way home from the train station. It started pouring extremely heavily out of a sudden and I didn't have an umbrella with me. I was standing at the the traffic light fully drenched and that fucking man with a huge umbrella didn't bother to shelter me or something. Omg, fucking selfish man. .. I meant if you were him you will shelter anyone no matter its a stranger or not right? Okok, maybe I'm in a foul mood that's why I am complaining such a stupid issue : / I still have tons of assignments undone. I am very screwed. Not going to blog much already. K bye.

My mum told me to ask the guy to shelter me. -_-. Cos everyone's different. :/


Anonymous said...

awww you poorthing i'd shelter you :D cheer up hon! don't worry about selfish bastards!

♥SherminL said...

^^ thankyouverymuch!! ♥♥♥♥♥

♥SherminL said...

Really? I too shy to ask, not as thick skin as you. HAHAHAHAAHAHHA! Kidding man. I wish I did that. AHHAHAAAH ♥!!!!!!!!!!!